random bits and pieces :p

Sunday, April 16, 2006

foR fUn

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Shingyee!

  1. Donald Duck's middle name is shingyee!
  2. California is the biggest exporter of shingyee in the world!
  3. Three seagulls flying overhead are a warning that shingyee is near.
  4. Shingyee has three eyelids.
  5. Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by shingyee.
  6. All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to shingyee.
  7. Shingyee was banned from Finland because of not wearing pants.
  8. South Australia was the first place to allow shingyee to stand for parliament.
  9. A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find shingyee!
  10. Oranges, lemons, watermelons, pineapples and shingyee are all berries.
I am interested in - do tell me about

hehehe, can you imagine donald shingyee duck?
i am so beloved by everyone that califirnia actually has to manufacture more me!!
i am banned in finland......for not wearing pants! kekeke...
yee, why does the female ferret die if she cant find me. i dont want to mte with ferret!!

try it out and see what weird facts you will get! have fun!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

searching, waiting and goodbyes

when you are looking for something and you cant find it, how long do you keep on looking before you give up? i always have this problem because whenever i feel like, okay i have searched everywhere maybe i should just stop and let it go. but there is always a nagging feeling.....
its like a voice saying search a little longer, or behind that corner and it will be there. and to think that i had stopped looking just moments or only a reachaway from where it was, i would have never found it.

so when should someone stop looking and give up?

same goes for waiting. should we wait for the old to come back and rekindle old feelings and memories? or finally giving up and accept the new? what if the old turns up?

in a completely unrelated topic, my beloved fish, died.....

the picture of my fish when it was younger....

at first my fish was completely fine, just a little restless and not wanting to eat whereas usually it would be so happy to see me holding the can of fish food....it would swim ever so energetically and follow me around when it sees me. it has been my companion during thise nights when i had to study for tests and exams. i went out for an outing with my friends and when i got home, the aquarium was empty. turns out that my dad cleaned the tank. he added a little water and salt (to kill bacteris wor). for science students, the result is probably expected. the concentration of salt was too high and it passed away soon after. nooooo.........cry.......

people always symphatise when you say you dog, cat, hamster or even chicken dies but they seem to dismiss fishes. why is that? is it because it cant make any sound? i feel sad all the same. bye.....i will miss you. RIP

though i will probably getting another fish tomorrow. not used to seeing the aquarium empty.
feel sad.....

8 below was a very touching movie. the eyes of the huskies says everything. i couldnt stop from tearing when some of the huskies died....and, please dont talk in the cinema!! sheesh....oops, anyway its a very nice disney movie suitable for kids and adults that have forgotten that happily ever after still happens.